Thursday, December 23, 2010

In the "Big Easy"- New Orleans

I had a great time in Austin. I got to meet a LOT of new people and talk about Autism... this excitements because for everyone one person you tell they may tell one more person and it'll keep spreading! I arrived in New Orleans last night. While in Austin Ann Gibbons, with Autism Speaks, offered to help me with my blog... We were chatting (e-mailing) back and forth and talking about ways for my blog to improve it's ways to donate to Autism Speaks. So here's the plan we came up with... she's creating a button (similar to my current button) that you can click on to donate straight to Autism Speaks. This will be on my sight soon. Now I wont be able to send you a photo using this tab. HOWEVER, it's to an even greater cause- it helps Autism completely. I'm researching a way for purchase of photos with proceeds going to Autism. I had a site that I had posted and linked a couple months ago but that isn't working. So I'm working on researching for a new sight. however, if you see a photo that you want (to the right) let me know and we'll work it out.

Now I made it to New Orleans last night. Unfortunately I didn't get anymore photos because the weather was sooooo crappy. I'm hoping to get out and get a few photos later today. Also just so you guys know the TV show "The Drs" will be talking about ADHD tomorrow on their show.

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