Monday, December 20, 2010

Still In Austin

I'm leaving Austin in a few days. It's been very enlightening here. It seems everyone I meet knows someone with Autism. I've realized though, for everyone one person you tell something about autism they probably tell at least one person and so on... so is it possible if we all tell one person that everyone would become more aware of this disorder and maybe just the right people will hear the right thing about it and something will change... maybe there will be more funding for it one day or maybe health insurance will cover it.

The other day I went to visit the Central Texas Autism Center (CTAC) (no pictures- sorry! It's a rule not to take photos there because of publishing and all that). The facility was neat. I learned a lot about texas and how they approach autism and how they've been successful at altering behaviors. CTAC does a lot of community outreach with the schools districts and other agencies. They also host workshops that are open to the public. (you can find a lot of information by visiting their website at

I had planned on going to the UT campus today to explore their area for Autism. They also have a Master's program specifically for Autism. I wanted to learn more about that and should have been more on the ball for it since they are closed this week.

Ive been trying to find a way to feed the homeless in New Orleans this weekend but have not had much luck in that venture. I'm wondering if there's anyone out there that knows how I can go about doing this as every place i've looked seems to be turning up with nothing.

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