Friday, March 25, 2011

Need to start traveling and posting again

okay, so here's a little update. I've been in New Orleans for the past 4 months. I need to get out there and get photos. I've literally done not much of anything since I've been here. (I know that's not what anyone wants to hear- EVEN myself). I miss the traveling and moreso miss my friends in Virginia. I'll be honest- I'm not sure how long I will be in new orleans or even if my travels will ultimately get me back to Virginia Beach.

I do, however, wish that I would get a job offer back in Virginia beach and then I'd be able to just up and move back there. But for now I am here, in New Orleans.

Dont get me wrong, new orleans is nice. I do like that people say hello. But it's a LOT harder to make friends here than back in Va Beach. Seriously this is probably the longest I've gone with staying in on Friday and saturday nights in my life. I guess it's that I'm used to the military town. It's weird, New Orleans people talk about this being such a small town. HA! It's huge in comparisons to Virginia beach. I've heard people say that this city would never get an NFL team by today's standards. that's not true- actually it's got a tourist ratio like no other which means people will travel to see the team cause the city is a touristy area. Not to mention if it wouldnt receive an NFL team, then it shouldnt have an NBA team or an Arena Football team wither. It's big enough. It's just not as huge as NYC or LA. but it's definitely big enough. in 2007 the population of the CITY of New Orleans (or Orleans Parrish as they are called here) was 300,000. that's just in the parrish not in the metro area so Jefferson Parrish or anything like that which makes up the metro area. That's massive compared to the smallest town with an NFL team- Green Bay Wisconsin that only has 96,000 residents and isnt surrounded by any heavily populated areas either- just farms for miles and miles.  now as far as population in Virginia beach goes- last year it was 433,000 but that's in a HUGE area. the actual area of virginia beach is about 5 times the size of new orleans or more.

anyways, i dont know where I was going with that. just kinda rambled off on a tangent about population.

anyways, the deal is I miss va beach and I miss Virginia. (I will say that I miss NYC as well though) I guess maybe I "like" New Orleans, and it has this small piece of my heart but I'm not "in love" with it.

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